This spring Hospice Kingston will begin construction on their new building on the grounds that will be Providence Village. Allen Prowse chairs the Hospice Kingston board of directors and has been involved in the partnership between Hospice and Providence Village from the beginning.
In this Providence Village Community Conversation podcast, Allen speaks of his long-standing connection with the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul and the journey to Providence Village. Allen has been part of Kingston’s healthcare system for many years. He shares a story of how local organizations work together to serve far more people together than they could alone. The lessons learned from that experience are wonderfully aligned with what may come to life at Providence Village.
This conversation reveals how much unseen work goes on behind the scenes, and the intention, wisdom and skill people bring to it. Learning of all that people do through stories like the ones Allen tells offers a sense of hope, hope in the knowledge that good people are doing good work and that it makes a difference.
Allen Prowse will be a featured guest at our next Providence Village Community Conversation on February 8, 2020. Click here to register. You are invited to join us, to hear more about Hospice Kingston and how Providence Village is taking shape.
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